Spruce Up Your Space: The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist for a Fresh Home!


Spring is a great time to refresh and reset your house. Cleaning makes you happier and boosts your mood, which is the perfect way to overcome seasonal depression caused by this gloomy weather. Here is the ultimate checklist to give you a head start on spring cleaning without it becoming an overwhelming project for you to procrastinate.


1. Stock up on cleaning supplies

To make sure you don’t hit any speed bumps in your spring cleaning, create a checklist of all the supplies you might need before you start. Here is a general idea:

  • Microfiber cloths.

  • Rubber gloves.

  • Duster.

  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments.

  • Broom and dustpan.

  • Mop.

  • Carpet cleaner.

  • Scrub brush.

  • Garbage bags.

  • Dish or castile soap.

  • All-purpose cleaner.

  • Window and glass cleaner.

  • Baking soda.


2. Declutter

Spring cleaning is a great time to declutter your home and start fresh. Decluttering is mainly going to focus on things you no longer need and things you probably haven’t used since last spring. Take this as a sign that if you didn’t use it for an entire year, you probably never will. Clutter creates chaos and makes your house look disorganized. Donate these things or have a yard sale! Your house will feel much lighter and this will allow space for you to properly deep clean.


3. Clean Windows

You never know how much dust is sitting on your windows are till you actually clean them. It might seem like a task but it goes by fairly quick. All you need is microfiber cloth and a window cleaner spray. A great DIY method is using an old t-shirt or newspaper for streak-free cleaning and equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. To further avoid leaving streaks, make sure to clean the windows when there’s no direct sunlight.


4. Deep clean indoors

  • Underneath and behind furniture: These spots are easily forgotten during regular cleaning. Now is the time to move all the furniture and clean every corner.

  • Cabinets and baseboards: This is one of those tedious tasks that can’t be skipped. Cleaning them will make a huge difference in making your home feel fresh. The best way to clean baseboards is the wipe off the dust first and then go with a sponge soaked in warm water, soap, and vinegar.

  • Closet: Pack up your winter clothes and put away in storage. Make room for warmer weather and the one -year rule applies here most of all. We all clothes that we think we might wear sometime but never do. If you didn’t wear in the last year, donate it.


5. Clean appliances

  • Refrigerator: Cleaning your fridge is essential for health and hygiene. Remove shelves and bins to wash them with warm, soapy water. Dispose of old food items to prevent spoilage. After thorough cleaning, place a bowl of baking soda inside for a few hours to eliminate odors.

  • Dishwasher: Regularly cleaning your dishwasher is key for maintenance. Aim for monthly cleanings to prevent buildup and ensure optimal performance. Clear the drain, place vinegar in the upper rack, baking soda in the bottom, then run a hot water cycle. Clean the filter every 3-6 months by rinsing it with water. This routine keeps your dishwasher fresh and your dishes clean.

  • Washing Machine: Don't forget to clean your washing machine during spring cleaning. Aim for monthly cleanings or after every 30 cycles to prevent buildup and keep it running smoothly. If you notice odd smells or mildew, it's time for a clean. Use a cleaning tablet or vinegar and baking soda in a hot cycle to refresh your machine.


Spring cleaning might require some effort, but it's definitely worth it. There's something special about relaxing in a clean, clutter-free home. Not only does it look better, but it also feels better. A tidy space helps promote a sense of calm and well-being, making it easier to unwind and enjoy your surroundings. Plus, a thorough cleaning ensures that your home is a healthier place to be, free from dust, allergens, and germs. It's a simple way to refresh your living space and rejuvenate your mindset.

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